Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Is my calendar on the wrong month?

I'm pretty sure its June 10. At least that is what the calendar said today. But pretty much only the calendar knows that is what today is. Mother Nature must have missed the memo.

Driving home from work today, the car told me outside temperature was only 56 degrees (yes, Fahrenheit). And when I got home, I saw this:
and this:
and this:
Piles of snow?

Actually, no. Piles of HAIL! A good 2 hours after the storm had passed. Believe it or not, we are luckier than the neighborhood just west of us, where several homes flooded. The worst damage we had, were my poor baby delphinium that had just sprouted from seed. I'm afraid they didn't make it. Nor did my peonies. Good thing I have this to remind me of how beautiful they were:


Devri said...

What in the world is going on with the weather station.. We are all messed up too, infact, summer? nope, no swimming yet for us anyways.

tiburon said...

Yeah this weather has been SICK!

I am over it.

Kristina said...

Ha! We actually had snow last weekend. While snow is common from September to May - June is a little outside the norm. Although not unheard of... it's not the first time it's snowed in June.

I don't know what's up with our weather - our winter was cold and miserable. Well, more cold and miserable than usual, and our summer is really slow.

My apple tree is blooming - and that's about it. Everything else is too afraid...

Ruhiyyih Rose said...

Oh your peonies!! What crazy weather! I love that bottom picture of you daughter - precious!!

I am sure it will be nasty hot again before you know it :)

Najma said...

That damn global warming...

Omgirl said...

Wow, that's weird! We got about 2 minutes of hail that turned to rain. Nothing stayed on the ground, though.

Kari said...

Wow....that's too bad. I can't believe it snowed in the middle of June?