Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I was recently accused of being in a blump - a blogging slump for those of you not familair with the LINGO. ;)  While I have defintiely not lived up to my blogging and blog stalking responsibilities, I don't know that it really has been a slump.  I actually miss it - especially checking in with all my friends.  In fact, I'm suffering some withdrawls.  Seriously!  But, my internet at work has been down for 2 weeks now, and that is when I do the majority of my stalking.  And posting.  So, I'm far behind and sad.  How are y'all doing anway?  Good I hope.
I have been checking in a bit via BlackBerry.  But have you ever tried to do anything other than check the weather and Facebook via handheld?  It pretty much sucks, and makes my thumbs ache.  I'm hoping to get things fixed soon.  But, I know my internet at work really isn't priority #1, and me asking them to fix it so I can get back to blogger really doesn't sound good (I actually use my internet for lots of work related things too, so it does suck).
But, other than having another nasty cold, things are good.  I did try running outside on Saturday.  It wasn't very pretty.  My legs felt great, but my lungs burned.  I spent the majority of the 4 miles feeling like I was going to puke or suffocate (or both), and I haven't run since. 
I also got G registered for kindergarten.  I can't believe my little girl is going to school!  She seems too little, but I do know that she's totally ready.  We have year-round school where we live, and I wanted to make sure to get our Track request in early, although they claim they don't make assignments on a first come/first serve basis.  It still makes me feel better.
And speaking of suckage, this is my post.


Devri said...

go enter my giveaway for a tutu, maybe that will get you a blump!

Omgirl said...

I can't believe that any business in the 21st century can function without internet. Seriously. Is Lehi still living in the 1980's or what?

Lynita said...

Omgirl is funny, 1980's, love it! Well I know what you are going through. I only have internet access when Ryan is home, and this is my 3rd month like this, hence the blump I was in! Argghh it is midnight, so no post for me tonight, at least I got to stalk you!

Heather said...

I hear you about the blump thing. I've been so busy with other stuff that I've neglected my blog, too. I was wondering if I was over the whole blogging thing. But I'm starting to feel a renewed interest in it all - maybe because it's spring and I feel like I'm coming back to life...

Oceanchild said...

I'm totally in a blump. I haven't read any blogs for so long and I totally miss you.

I ran on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It wasn't far and I wasn't great, but it was nice to be outside. We should try to run on Fridays or something (isn't that your day off still). (once it gets nicer of course).

I'm mostly in a blump because i want to say what I want to say on my blog but i keep getting into trouble with Jeff. So I think I'll be one of those losers with two blogs and just keep the Cemer one for "family fun" updates. that way I don't have to worry too much about in-laws and co-workers. So once I get there I'll linvite you. It might just have a weird name though, so don't laugh.

We totally need to do dinner. This week is already filling up...I have wednesday open still...

Misty said...

I am still in a Blump, but glad to have you back!