Carrie (I’d link her blog, but since its private you wouldn’t be able to read it anyway . . .) tagged me weeks ago – and I’m finally getting around to completing the tag. It took me awhile to come up with stuff. I also changed it up a bit – hope that is ok!
7 things I can do:
1. I can do a backwards dive off of the diving board.
2. I can crochet – and I actually like it. I learned at a youth activity in high school, and I’ve made several Afghans since. Totally relaxing hobby, although I rarely have time for it now.
3. I can sing alto and harmonize. I also play the guitar and piano (sort of – since I never practice). There was a time when I was really good.
4. I can lead music well. My piano teacher taught me how to lead music when I was only 7 or 8. Its actually natural to me, and I can tell the timing on a song that I’ve never seen the sheet music to. I’ve lead the congregational singing in church (started when I was 14), lead the children’s singing at church, and I’ve even lead some choirs. Who knew marathon mom was musical?
5. I can ski – snow and water. And I love it. I’m not very good at either one though, but I still have fun.
6. I can do most things with either my left or my right hand – I’m ambidextrous.
7. I can bargain shop for hours. I rarely pay full-price for anything. I have a knack for finding good deals and I love it. Right now I’m wearing some Big Star jeans that I found for $40, and they’re so cute!
7 things I cannot do:
1. I cannot whistle – there was a time in my life when I could whistle. Then I got braces, and I lost the ability.
2. I have absolutely no artistic talent. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Its pretty sad, considering the fact that I have so many artistic family members.
3. I cannot speak foreign languages. For some reason, I have a huge hang-up when it comes to trying to learn a language – I can’t even correctly pronounce the words. I can read and understand that way, but when it comes to speaking I’m lost. I don’t think I could ever live in a foreign country.
4. I cannot lose weight for the life of me. Believe me – I’ve tried. The scale just doesn’t want to budge. I think I’m ready for drastic action.
5. I cannot throw a ball – ok, I suppose technically I can throw a ball, but I do it like a frreakin’ girl. It embarrasses my jock-husband. Apparently I look “re-todd-did” when I try. He’s asked me not to try anymore.
6. I cannot go without sleep. I need a good 7-8 hours a night to function.
7. I cannot cook. I’m a terrible cook, and almost anything I try to make ends up disgusting. My husband can’t even try to eat it. I wish I could be better, so that my family could have some yummier meals. Oh well – at least there’s Café Rio to do it for me.
7 totally random facts about me:
1. I’ve flown a small airplane over the skies of Utah County. I had a boyfriend who had a small plane. He took me on a date once, and let me take the controls of the plane. It was one of the most amazing moments of my life.
2. I’m afraid of deep water. I had a slightly scary experience while fly fishing in the Madison River in Montana. Ever since, I’ve been terrified of large bodies of water.
3. I’m also terrified of heights – like seriously freaked. I get dizzy leaning over a balcony. I’ll subconsciously pick at a hangnail till it bleeds, or bite my lip until I get a sore. Its my least attractive trait.
4. I bite my fingernails and pick at my skin. It’s a terrible habit. I’ve noticed that G does it too.
5. I hate talking on the phone, and avoid it at all costs. I’m sure people think that I don’t like them – I just don’t like talking on the phone.
6. I don’t make friends with women very easily. For some reason, I’ve always related to men easier than women. I have a few really good girl friends, but for the most part, most of my female friends are more like acquaintances. Its been difficult since I’ve gotten married, because it is no longer appropriate for me to hang out with “the guys”. Expect when my hubby has friends over.
7. I am allergic to almost everything. It makes life interesting. A few years ago, I was a youth advisor at church. We had a slumber party with the girls at one of the other leaders’ houses. I was so allergic to her cats that I ended up in the ER the next morning. Good times. (yes, I do have a cat)
7 foods I love:
1. Salad – I know that sounds like a cop-out – I’m sure my readers are thinking that no one really loves salad. But I do. I could eat it every single day.
2. Dill pickles – another totally strange one, I know. But some days I crave them – and so does Bryn apparently. The other day at the store, she cried until I bought her pickles.
3. Apple deserts – it doesn’t matter what it is. If there is apples in it, I have no will-power
4. Pumpkin – along with the apple stuff. If there is pumpkin in it, I’m powerless to resist.
5. Café Rio – I love, love, love anything from that place – especially the salad. I know I’ve already claimed salad as #1, but this seriously deserves a category all its own.
6. Grapefruit. I love me some ruby red grapefruit. I actually eat it like a giant orange. Mmmm. I’m getting hungry.
7. Chocolate chip cookies – especially Paradise Bakery cookies. I have no weakness to those either.