What is it about being 3 and 4 that makes potty humor hilarious? My kids are at the height of this stage and it is driving me insane. Every time they pass gas, laughter erupts. And every chance they get, they throw a "potty" word into conversation.
Maybe it is because their recent potty training accomplishments are on their mind. At their age, being potty trained is probably their biggest accomplishment to date. Maybe they just like talking about it because it reminds them of how grown up they are.
Or, maybe its just funny, and I'm an old fuddy-duddy and just don't get it.
Either way, I'm hoping this phase passes quickly (no pun intended).
Last night in the bath, Bryn was making up her own funny versions to the opening song for the Playhouse Disney show "My Friends Tigger and Pooh". Since the word "pooh" was already in the lyrics, all she had to do was replace the word "Tigger" and she had a funny song. She sang about her friends "pooh and pee", "pooh and fart", and then "pooh and penis" (that last one I don't get). She and G were laughing so hard that one of them got the hiccoughs. Tears were streaming down their chubby little cheeks.
Do kids grow out of this stage, or am I only in for years of potty songs? I do remember the whole:
I'm going to first, and my pants are going to burst diarrhea (ugh, ugh) diarrhea . . . song that my friends and I used to think was first-rate comedy.
Ummmm, yeh. It probably isn't going to get much better anytime soon.
I would guess that it passes sooner with girls than boys. I recently had 8 6 year old boys at my house and I can't even begin to count the number of times potty words were used. Everything was poop this and fart that. For two hours!
They'll probably outgrow it. Unless they're like DH and me, and then they'll still be giggling about poop at the age of 31. :D
We're inthe "poopyhead" phase. As a joke my 3-y-o will say someone is a poopyhead and then laugh hysterically.
I don't really get it either.
That toilet is great!
NO potty talk at our house.. It is Forbidden..
Too bad it doesn't work, the forbidden part anyways.
Yeah, it happens at our house too. C's almost stopped now, but for the longest time she's ask everyone (and I mean everyone) Are you kidding? Are you pooping?!
Soooo with you on this being annoying. Threatened to wash my almost 4 year old boy's mouth out with soap yesterday after the gazillionth time I heard some variation of the word poop followed by the hysterical laughing. We've tried the whole "that's a potty word only for the bathroom" with no luck but so far the soap threat is working- I'm sure it won't last though. Glad to know we're all suffering together:)
All I can say is that my kids say it more and more these days. I don't think it will get better for several years!
OK....Maybe I'm just immature, but I was laughing, too. :o) My kids do the same thing and it drives me CRAZY....but it was funnier when it wasn't my own kids saying it, I guess. This morning I asked Bo where Jaxon was...and he said, "He's in the bathroom taking a Bella". Lovely, huh?? UGGGHHHHH...............
Ugh. Daphne just discovered potty talk too. SO annoying. After each time she says a potty word, she follows it up with, "Mommy, was that funny?"
No, Daphne. It wasn't.
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