I'm pretty sure that all of my blog readers are familiar with my latest drama - the saga of my weight loss. It is pretty much the only thing that I've blogged about lately (sorry about that - I do have some Halloween posts yet to get up. Maybe I will actually post before Thanksgiving) Yesterday I asked for some advice because I'm desperate, and y'all totally pulled through! I got some great advice - on Monday I'm going to totally revamp my diet and exercise plan.
But today, I decided to go "cold turkey" off the sauce (aka caffeinated beverages). I know it doesn't make sense that diet soda should affect my weight - I actually totally agree with Chelsea's comment that it has no calories and that caffeine is an appetite suppressant. But somehow for me, it makes a difference. Maybe it is just serious water retention that it gives me (I still have problems with edema since my huge problems from being pregnant), or maybe it slows my metabolism. I really don't know. But I do know that I lose weight easier when I'm not drinking it on a regular basis. (I also run better, sleep better, and have more energy overall).
So - I did it. I made it completely through today without a caffeinated beverage. And honestly, it hasn't been that bad physically. I haven't had cravings at all. I've thought several times today that a diet soda sounded good, but I was totally able to resist. I also haven't had any headaches. I have, however, been a raving bitch: moody, impatient, and pretty much unpleasant to be around. Of course, my (not so) dear Auntie Flo is here for a visit, so that my be a factor, but I think that my body is none too happy about the lack of its daily fix. I am excited to see if I've lost any weight when I weigh in the morning ;)
Overall, I'd have to say that today was a pretty good day. I only at 3 small pieces of the girls' Halloween candy, and I had salad for lunch and dinner. I didn't get a chance to exercise, today, but that means I should be nice and rested for a long run tomorrow. Bryn woke up with a wet diaper, but other than that we had zero potty accidents, and we were at lots of stores today.
Congrats on making it through Day 1! :)
Totally makes sense that giving up diet sodas helps you lose weight. All the studies show that the artificial sweeteners in them cause your body to crave sweets. Good luck and good for you!
You go, girl! Take it each day - each victory - at a time. Woo hoo!
The book, "Skinny Bitch" explains how diet sodas cause difficulty with weight loss. Pretty interesting stuff.
that sucks.
i should give it up. baby steps.
Yay! Good work. I know the pain of the caffeine headaches so I'm glad you didn't get any.
Go ahead and be a raving bitch for awhile. I swear it helps....
Good for you! I hope you keep up with it, I am sure that you will see a difference!
You are strong. I lasted 2 weeks and gave up.
Mama needs her caffeine.
Good for you! I am a health nut and it has saved me from the doom of being a total blimp! hahah! Good luck with that!!
I don't know this is true of you, but drinking diet pop makes me immediately more hungry. so then I eat more. Which cancels out the calorie-free pop. My college biology teacher told me that diet drinks have a chemical that makes you hungry too. I can't verify that. But judging from my own response, I would bet it's true.
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