Monday, November 10, 2008

Life isn't fair

Anyone who reads my blog knows that my weight is a constant struggle.  I'm always trying to eat healthy/deny myself/work out/cut calories . . . etc.  And to no avail.  I have managed to drop a few pounds, but I still have much more weight to lose.  A couple of weeks ago, I got discouraged, and decided that maybe it just doesn't matter.  I gave into some of my sugar cravings. I indulged in Halloween candy.  I ate some pie.  It tasted delicious.  Then I stepped on the scale and realized that I'd gained 5 pounds in just a few days.  Now I have even more weight to lose . . .
Enter my dear husband.  Last Thursday he decided that he wanted to lose some weight.  He exercised once, ate smaller and healthier portions, and stopped drinking diet Dr Pepper.  He's already lost 7 pounds in 5 days.  This morning when he got out of bed, he looked as if he had lost even more weight over night.  He was noticibly thinner.  I'm not trying to say that he hasn't tried - because he has tried hard.  But no harder than I've been trying for the past 2 years, and he's lost more in 5 days than I have in 5 months.
Please someone tell me how life is fair!


Ruhiyyih Rose said...

It is amazing how men lose weight differently than women. Their bodies do not have that fierce protective force that takes over when calories are deprived and the metabolism gets sluggish. The only way to get a woman's metabolism revved up is by eating, exercise, and good sleep. I worked at a women's gym for a few years and learned a lot from the ladies that had lost a lot of weight and kept it off. They were very careful to get good rest, keep exercising, and never let more than five pounds creep on before they would diet a couple days to get rid of it. Because, after 72 hours, the metabolism slows down to protect resources.

This is something I am so passionate about. I hate seeing women struggle here (myself included). As a runner, you have special nutritional needs too. I think you look awesome and you have done marathons - that is pretty incredible!! Hang in there. We are cheering you on! (and your hubby - that is awesome).

Koreena said...

Arg! That's so frustrating! A few years ago Dan and I went on a diet together. Dan didn't stick to it much, and one week he ate a whole bag of M&M's at work and LOST 5 lbs! I just look at candy and I gain a couple!

tiburon said...

Couldn't agree with you more!!
I sooo feel your pain.

I am praying for an eating disorder.

Kari said...

Sorry I don't have any ideas or advice - just sympathy because it works the same way at our house. I'm still trying to lose those last 10 pounds around my waist and Gareth just eats less for a couple of days -no exercise - and he looses 10 pounds at the blink of an eye. UGH!

Maybe you've already tried this, but my friend did the NEW YORK BODY PLAN and in two weeks lost several inches all over her body. She said she didn't lose a lot of pounds, just inches. I bought the book online and looked it over. It's INTENSE, and it's a strict two-week diet and exercise program, but it really worked for her. I haven't done it yet because of my knee 'injury' but when my body is physically ready for it, I'm going to try it. I'll let you know if it works! :)

Mom2-4 said...

Yes and I believe it is because men have more muscle mass than women. More muscle = more calories burned. That being said, I have seen pictures of you. You are a very attractive lady, and I don't swing "that way" but I can tell pretty when I see it. I am sure you would LOVE to be ten pounds thinner, as would I but now that I am 32 and 155lbs I still think I am hot to my hubby and feel healthy. Tired of waiting to start living when I weigh 140. Revel in your beauty and that your husband thinks you are H-O-T.

Oceanchild said...

This probably won't make you feel better, but with all the drama going on at my house, I've definitely lost weight. I have to wear belts with EVERYTHING now. On one hand, that is great. I feel skinnier most days. On the other, I know it isn't healthy and I'd rather have the weight back on and a husband who still want to try.

Heather said...

Grrrr! I feel your pain. I've been working for the last two years to get to my pre-baby weight - I'm there, but need to lose like 30 more. And then there's my husband - eats whatever he wants, has maybe gained five pounds in the five years we've been married. Occasionally, I'll just give him the evil-eye and say, "You enjoy that won't be around forever!"

Just get back on it again - that's what I've got to do too. You've had a rough couple weeks or so with stuff going on. Cut yourself some slack! :)

carrie said...

I was laughing when I read this, 'cause Jason started doing that PX90 thing, or whatever it's called, with some friends. He has done it for not even two weeks...and is eating better, of course, and he's lost 12 pounds. I've been working my butt off....and eating so good....for about two months, and I've lost 31 pounds. It's totally unfair. Oh well..... I think cutting the Diet drinks/carbonation totally seals the deal though. I know that's why I lost so much weight the first two weeks of my boot camp thing I did. Anyway, I was reading this post to Jason...and he said, "She doesn't even need to lose weight, does she?" So there you go.... a big compliment. :o) Have a good day!! I was glad to see you'd posted this morning!! I missed reading your good stuff.

Mindi said...

that's the problem: it's NOT FAIR. not when it comes to guys losing weight. seriously, they suck.

i feel you, sister. weight is a constant battle for me and i could gain 5 pounds in an HOUR somedays.

you are keeping on keeping on--that's what's important.

Anonymous said...

My husband can loose weight by just not having seconds at dinner time. How discouraging. When I struggle all the time. Love the man's metabolism. Women always get the worst of the deal when we eat hardly anything and still gain.

Chelsea said...

It really isn't fair!

Lynita said...

Men just suck, seriously they're only good for one thing! Sorry just a little venting! But truly it is not fair, they even get to wear baggy clothes that hide those extra pounds, while we are made to wear things that show even a wrinkle in your underwear! Argggghhhhhh!

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Yeah- it stinks- remember how fat I was in college?? Hahah!

Omgirl said...

By the way, I meant to comment to say that I have had the overnight weight gain of 1-2 lbs before too. And I finally figured out it had to do with drinking water in the pm. If I drink water in the pm (or even all through the day if it's an unusually high amount of water), I can weigh a full 2 lbs more in the morning. So watch when you're drinking your water.