I realized this morning that I've been on somewhat of an unintentional blogging hiatus. I don't know why - I suppose that I've just been busy with other things in my life and blogging hasn't been as important. And I guess nothing has really struck me lately as good blogging fodder. The other day, my husband told me that I get really excited about something for awhile, and then I move on to other endeavors. Perhaps that is true. Right now, I've been really focused on working in the yard (or playing with my flowers as Brynlee says). There is something so healing - almost cathartic - about working in my garden. It helps me deal with stress and helps me to unwind, and I just love watching things grow. Right now I've been working on trying to save an azalea bush that was given to us as a housewarming gift. Although it has no business in a Utah garden, I'm finally getting some new growth after lots of TLC. And my peaches should be ripe this week. I'm excited about that too - maybe we'll have peach cobbler this week.
We had a nice weekend. The weather was cooler, and it actually rained a bit, so I was in heaven (remember that I love gloomy weather). We did manage to have some sunshine though, and the girls and I were able to go into the mountains on Saturday for a nature hike with my dad. We went up Butterfield Canyon, and drove over the top to where the public lands are. We got out of the car and could see our breath. It was cold. But as soon as we started walking and the sun came up a bit, it got much warmer. My dad had brought stuff to gather and press wildflowers, and the girls loved it. After our hike, we sat down at a picnic area to press the flowers and eat a "trail lunch" (pepperoni, wheat thins, cheese slices, apple wedges, and mini Hershey bars). As we were sitting there, a large deer wandered out of the trees, and came within 10 feet of us. She stood there for the longest time. The girls loved it, and were totally in awe. Poor Bryn though couldn't understand why she couldn't ride the deer. What a funny girl. We saw some other fun wildlife - a doe and her speckled fawn sitting in the road as we went around a curve and a large wild turkey in a meadow. Of course I forgot my camera too - we would have gotten some great pics.
I also took Bryn to get her ears pierced. After her sister got hers pierced the week before, she had been asking to get earrings every single day. So, I relented. On Friday after gymnastics, I took her in. It was actually the same lady working who had done G's too. Bryn picked out some green earrings that she thinks are blue, and sat down on the bench. She looked so big and grown-up. I asked if she wanted me to hold her, and she said no. But after she got the first one pierced, she asked me to hold her. She did cry quite a bit, but as soon as it was all over, she asked for a lollipop, and then she was just fine. She's so funny, and thinks that she is an absolute princess with her earrings. (Carrie, you called that one!)
I've also been trying to fit running into my busy summer schedule, but it has been difficult. The girls have been staying up later, so running after they go to bed doesn't always work, because its too late. And I'm in a bit of a running funk lately. I just feel so tired all of the time - and my legs feel like lead - so maybe I've needed to cut back a bit. Its difficult too when Ben doesn't support my running. He doesn't like it, and he makes me feel incredibly guilty for going most days. Especially my long Saturday runs. But I realized that the marathon is only 6 weeks away, and I need a couple more long runs so I can be ready. I just need to HTFU (harden the "eff" up, as they say on my running boards) and get out there!